Congregation B’nai Israel, or CBI, offers three different educational opportunities
Hebrew School
Six year olds to Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, under the direction of experienced, licensed teachers, including our Rabbi, aided by a state-of-the art computer program enjoy our Hebrew School.
The curriculum covers:
- How to pray in Hebrew
- History of our people
- Jewish customs and traditions
- The importance of performing mitzvahs
- Holidays and the customs associated with them
- Our heritage, including some of the outstanding Jews in politics, the arts, sports, literature and sciences.
The learning experience is enriched by a warm, welcoming classroom setting including an extensive library that the children are encouraged to borrow from. Rabbi Pearl, also a licensed teacher, guides the students in using the computer as part of their Hebrew studies. Our students discover that learning about being Jewish is fun.
Our highly-effective, inter-active approach emphasizes student participation. The students, and their families, join in special Friday Night Services and communal dinners. In short, our objective is to afford the students and their families a total Jewish learning experience.

Listening to the Megillah


Learning about Passover

Making Hamantashen

Learning about Succot

Making Hamantashen

Using Computers to Learn Hebrew

Using Computers to Learn Hebrew

Using Computers to Learn Hebrew

Building our Succah
CBI Academy Preschool offers free full day Pre-K For All and a Two and Three year old program. Our goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all of our students with a developmentally appropriate curriculum.
The New York State Foundation for the Common Core serves as a resource for guiding the design of the curriculum which promotes each child’s social and emotional, physical and cognitive development. We support each child’s desire to be life- long learners. The curriculum, promoted by the director, is tailored to the children's interests and geared toward helping children develop habits of observation, questioning, and listening. It gives each child an awareness of his or her own feelings and his or her ability to express those feelings. The children are treasured for their uniqueness and individuality. They are encouraged in self-expression. This open-minded program prepares children to utilize their intellectual and creative abilities for future learning tasks.
The children are introduced to a balanced program of interaction with friends both in teacher-directed and child-directed experiences. The daily schedule includes free choice of time in learning centers, whole group time at circle time, outdoor play, creative dance and movement, music, cooking, storytelling, and dramatization. Each thematic unit of study enables all students to learn while having fun.
For more information about all of our programs, please call 718-987-6200, email:, or/and
check our web site